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By Dr. R. Wysong

The question of origins has been popularly reduced to two distinct concepts: creationism and evolution. There are huge numbers of believers who agree with one another in both camps. It is a sad human paradox that when people smile and agree, truth weeps. This site and its links will prove to you that both sides have fallen prey to dogma. The truth abides elsewhere.

It is hard to not be suspicious of anyone—like me—who claims they have answers. Let me put your mind at ease. I have no agenda other than truth. Can we agree to that common ground? I will not try to "save" you nor compel you by authority or credentials. If you are unafraid of seeking truth wherever that may lead, are open to all the facts, and can trust your own reasoning faculties, this is the place for you.

The creationism/evolution topic is not of just religious, scientific, and academic interest. Where we came from has everything to do with where we are and where we are going. Our belief about our origins is the foundation to our entire philosophical approach to life. If we are the product of blind nature, its laws and matter only, that most certainly impacts how we think and behave. If we are the intentional product of an intelligence, that most certainly impacts how we think and behave as well. Thinking and behaving is the very definition of life itself. People's and leader's positions on the creationism/evolution issue lie at the very root of the disastrous ethical, terrorist, social, political, and health problems that impact hundreds of millions of lives today. These problems do not get better or resolve because people are not right philosophically at their core.

Resolving the creationism/evolution controversy is therefore critically important.

In a sea of roiling opinions and assertions, I hope you find this website a refreshing breath of honest air. There are no courses in universities or even books that address this topic even handedly. Thus, I have spent almost a half century as an autodidact pondering, studying, researching, writing, and teaching about the subject. I have held beliefs all over the board, including a frustrating period of conceding that the problem simply could not be solved. It was not until I abandoned popular beliefs and resolved to only trust my own conscience and reasoning ability that the truth began to crystallize. I am now convinced that the creationism vs evolution controversy is a problem of state of mind and can be solved by any person with an open and inquiring one. This site and its links will provide the tools to help you in that process.

Consider that no matter what our sciences learn or how far out we can place a decimal point, it is all about things, not where such things ultimately came from or why they came into existence. This fact should nag any inquiring mind.

We probe deeper and deeper into the infinitesimal and interstellar worlds, but discover only what is already there. We can only then be puzzled about what lies beyond our microscopes and telescopes, and the ultimate cause of it all. Manipulation of what exists using natural laws, mathematics, and technology to put men on the moon and create fantastic comforts and devices fosters a false sense of confidence and hubris. But those who ponder beyond the gewgaws of technology, remain beset with the creationism/evolution problem and are left empty, even embarrassed, wondering where the matter, laws, and forces we have stolen came from in the first place.

Although our goal must be truth, given physicality's four-dimensional constraints, nobody can precisely define the ultimate, all embracing truth about the multidimensional reality. However, reason demands that there must be an ultimate truth. This notion stays in our collective brain like one of those songs you hear and then can't stop humming. Nor should we.

Unfortunately, we don't do well with delayed gratification. So the hunger for truth only dogs scientific and religious thought for a time. Then doctrines are settled upon and the humming stops. People may think they have thought, but they have only rearranged prejudices.

Truth is all about reality. The closer we get to understanding reality, the closer we can live in tune with it. That, in turn, provides the best prospect for a full and happy life. After all, if we proceed in life believing a myth, how can our lives possibly accord with reality—which cares not a mite about our myths? Those who choose to believe the myth that stop signs are irrelevant, pay a heavy price.

In 1975 I completed the first book that I know of that even-handedly explored the creation-evolution controversy. Testifying to the continuing interest in the creationism vs evolution subject, it is now in its fourteenth printing. For the past decade I have worked on a new, more comprehensive treatment of the subject. It is entitled, Solving The Big Questions As If Thinking Matters. It provides the gnomic resources to answer, or at least steer you in the right direction for virtually any creationism or evolution question. This site will provide information from these sources.

My purpose in writing these books and creating this website is to share with you the exhilaration, sense of bearing, and hope that open minded exploration can bring. You will be provided the means to obtain my new book and others for essentially our costs, and the links and newsletter/blogs are free.

These resources will help set your mind at rest on this most important and vexing creationism vs evolution problem. You will not be asked to join anything or subscribe to any scientific or religious creed or dogma. All that is needed is what you already can possess: reason, an open mind, and the willingness to give all facts equal weight.

We must commit to the process of truth seeking, not the subservient implementation of given beliefs. Unfortunately, the creationism/evolution debate usually only defines materialistic and religious beliefs. Beliefs we were born into, faiths that were hammered into us by parents, schools, or other authority figures and organizations do not do.

The thousands of religions and faulty sciences humans have devised are a testament to our desire to be sure, etch our sureness in stone, and then move on with life. These efforts are well intended and may help us discover aspects of truth. But too easily "truth" becomes just a place to go when people get tired of thinking. Once a religion or secular body codifies a belief and demands faith, it must repudiate its own founding principles. Doubt, challenge, and criticism begin scientific exploration and every religion. Doubt, not faith, educates. But religions and sciences, to save their institutional structures (particularly as money begins to flow to them), must forbid doubt, challenge, and criticism in order to stay intact and retain the benefits. History, however, teaches that human advance owes nothing to those who agree and belong, only to those who differ.

On the other hand, the skepticism from failed attempts by religions and science to define absolutes, does not mean there is no truth. Healthy skepticism means the possibility of anything should not be denied. In the creationism/evolution debate, all concepts must be considered possible at the beginning of the exploration. We must also allow the possibility that we can gain truths, that there may be an intelligence greater than ours, that matter does not define reality... or even that we may be immortal beings in a temporary material shell. As Einstein warned, "If at first the idea is not absurd, there is not hope for it." Unfortunately some prize doubt so much that they will not believe some things even if they are true. We must be open minded, but not so much that we let our brains fall out.
    Religious, scientific or any other set dogma denies the obvious:
  1. God and truth are the same thing. They are just spelled differently.
  2. For humans, truth is an unfolding phenomenon, not an end point.
  3. Therefore, our truth cannot fully explain reality (God).
This may come as a surprise to some, but whatever all embracing truth we are endeared to is not God since we cannot embrace in our minds all of reality. If we can cut through the thick fog of our biases, we can hope for morsels of truth, glimpses of the visage of God (reality). Since nobody can claim complete knowledge of truth (God), the takeaway from the creationism/evolution debate must be about the pursuit of truth. That pursuit is the only meaningful form of worship or scientific endeavor (two activities that should mean the same thing). That can only occur without the prejudice of preexisting faith, having horizons not limited by the obvious material realities, and with absolute allegiance only to intuition (noesis), reason, facts, and evidence.

To search for truth means that at some point in our lives we must wipe the slate clean, then use our naked conscience, reasoning faculties, and the evidence that exists in reality to begin to shape our views. This process must precede belief regarding the creationism vs evolution controversy; a priori belief should not be used to twist our reasoning or shoehorn facts.

This seems a simple enough prerequisite, but almost nobody does it. To have even a moment with no belief—to wipe the slate clean—is too terrifying. The brutal honesty required for that moment requires enormous courage. It's so much safer to remain swaddled in the arms of our surrogate belief and faith mommies and daddies. Bravely meeting the creationism vs evolution challenge means fearlessly testing all the givens and building a new a mind grounded in reality. If we have doubt along the way, we should take it as a compliment, not a reason to grab a convenient faith.

This site will help you find the honesty and courage to wipe the slate clean and start anew with a mind, heart, and conscience that you truly own. The answers that will follow promise to transform not only your life, but that of the world as well.